Outsourcing and Public-Private Partnerships Public administration is straitjacketed by legal regulations and behavioral patterns that make it virtually impossible in some areas to quickly align oneself to changing framework conditions and new requirements. The times of purely input-based, central management are in the past; today, administrative units and public enterprises are increasingly measured by their achievement of objectives and impacts. The structural foundations must be laid for this. New Framework Conditions Sometimes, the quickest way to create suitable framework conditions is to outsource or establish a public-private partnership structure. However, outsourcing is not always necessary to increase effectiveness and efficiency. Since the introduction of global budgeting, there are now good decentralization possibilities even within public administration. This makes careful evaluation of the outsourcing project essential. In this regard, the crux of the matter is defining the future requirements and then finding suitable organizational models. The creation of legal framework conditions is rather subordinate in this regard. Outsourcing projects are complex change projects which require a great deal of mindfulness and plenty of experience. ICG has already evaluated more than 100 outsourcing projects and accompanied many implementation processes, and can therefore introduce a project model tried and tested several times over and instruments which guarantee that implementable solutions have been met with widespread acceptance. The Implementation Process is the Deciding Factor If, due to careful evaluation, the recommendation for outsourcing or a PPP solution is made, then in most cases the following advantages outweigh the rest: high cost-cutting potential due to tax benefits, greater flexibility in human resources, recruitment of a professional management team and partners’ comprehensive know-how. The advantages of a culture change towards greater effectiveness and efficiency due to clear, binding service agreements and greater transparency should not be underestimated either. EVALUATION We contribute extensive experience from numerous similar projects during the evaluation. PREPARATION We accompany you in everything from creating framework conditions to selecting the management team. IMPLEMENTATION We provide support when creating a detailed concept and during implementation for selected tasks. Contact Persons Would you like to know more? Contact us